
Title Illustrator
2002 The Three Pigs David Wiesner
2001 So You Want To be President? Mary Azarian
Text by Judith Briggs Martin
2000 Joseph had a Little Overcoat Simms Taback
1999 Snowflake Bentley Mary Azarian
Text by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
1998 Rapunzel Paul O. Zelinsky
1997 Golem David Wisniewski
1996 Officier Buckle and Goria Peggy Rathmann
1995 Smoky Night David Diaz
Text by Eve Bunting
1994 Grandfather's Journey Allen Say
1993 Mirette on the High Wire Emily McCully
1992 Tuesday David Wiesner
1991 Black & White David McCaulay
1990 Lon Po Po Ed Young (Translator)
1989 Song & Dance Man Stephen Gammell
Text by Karen Ackerman
1988 Owl Moon John Schoenherr
Text by Jane Yolen
1987 Hey, Al Richard Egielski
Text by Arthur Yorinks
1986 Polar Express Chris Van Allsburg
1985 Saint George and the Dragon Margaret Hodges, Trina S. Hyman
1984 The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel With Louis Bleriot, July 25, 1909 Alice Provensen Martin Provensen
1983 Shadow Blaise Cendras & Marcia Brown
1982 Jumanji Chris Van Allsburg
1981 Fables Arnold Lobel
1980 Ox Cart Man Barbara Cooney
Text by Donald Hall
1979 The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses Paul Goble
1978 Noah's Ark Peter Spier
1977 Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions Leo Dillion, Diane Dillion
Text by Margaret W. Musgrove
1976 Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears: A West African Tale Leo Dillion, Dian Dillon
Text by Verna Aardema
1975 Arrow to the Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale Gerald McDermott
1974 Duffy and the Devil Harve Zemach
1973 The Funny Little Woman Blair Lent
Text by Arlene Mosel
1972 One Fine Day Nonny Hogrogian
1971 A Story, a Story: An African Tale Gail E. Haley
1970 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble William Stig
1969 The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship Arthur Ransome
1968 Drummer Hoff Barbara Emberly
1967 Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine Evaline Ness
1966 Always Room for One More Sorche Leodhas & Nonny Hogrogian
1965 May I Bring a Friend? Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
1964 Where the Wild Things Are Maurice Sendak
1963 Snowy Day Ezra Jack Keats
1962 Once a Mouse Marcia Brown
1961 Baboushka and the Three Kings Ruth Brown
1960 Nine Days to Christmas Marie Hall Ets & Aurora Labastida
1959 Chanticleer and the Fox Georffrey Chaucer & Barbara Cooney
1958 Time of Wonder Robert McCloskey
1957 Tree Is Nice Marc Simont
Text by Janice May Udry
1956 Frog Went A-Courtin' Feodor Rojankovsky
Text by John Langstaff
1955 Cinderella Marcia Brown
Text by Charles Perrault
1954 Madeline's Rescue Ludwig Bemelmans
1953 The Biggest Bear Lynd Kendall Ward
1952 Finders Keepers Nicholas Modrvinoff
Text by William Lipkind
1951 Egg Tree Katherine Milhous
1950 Song of the Swallows Leo Politi
1949 The Big Snow Berta Hader & Elmer Hader
1948 White Snow, Bright Snow Roger Duvoisin
Text by Alvin Tressetl
1947 The Little Island Leonard Weisgard
Text by Golden MacDonald
1946 Rooster Crows Miska Petersham & Maud Petersham
1945 Prayer for a Child Elizabeth Orton Jones
Text by Rachel L. Field
1944 Many Moons Louis Slobodkin
Text by James Thurber
1943 The Little House Virginia Lee Burton
1942 Make Way for Ducklings Robert McCloskey
1941 They Were Strong and Good Robert Lawson
1940 Abraham Lincoln Ingri D'Aulaire & Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
1939 Mei Li Thomas Handforth
1938 Animals of the Bible Dorothy P. Lathrop
Helen D. Fish, Editor



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2004©   Terrell County Public Library
                Dawson, Georgia  31742
                Claudia Copeland, Librarian
                Romaine Richardson, Web Master
Last Updated:  July 25, 2004
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